Many people do not know the features to emphasise when asking an emergency locksmith to come with a replacement lock once a burglar has breached the front door. This article discusses some features of a strong lock. Use this information as you specify the kind of lock that a 24-hour locksmith should come with when responding to your call for help.

Steel Chips

A deadbolt with steel chips is very hard to drill through. This is because those chips will mangle the drill tip if a burglar is trying to defeat the lock mechanism by drilling through the lock's center. Thus, the burglar will have a hard time trying to force the lock open.

A Sturdy Strike Plate

A strike plate refers to the metal plate through which the bolt of your lock moves in order to keep your door locked. Many strike plates are more decorative than secure. For instance, many are made from plastic. Such weak strike plates can be broken when a burglar attempts to force the door open (by kicking it in, for example). Request for a lock that has a steel strike plate. Such a strike plate will be very difficult to break during a forced entry attempt.

A Double Cylinder Lock

A double cylinder lock refers to a lock that requires the use of a key to open. This applies whether one is inside or outside the room. Such locks are better because they thwart burglars who are used to breaking the glass on a door or window in order to reach inside and turn the doorknob so that they can get into the house. However, be sure that the laws in your area allow you to install such a lock. This is because some jurisdictions are against double cylinder locks since they can hinder egress during an emergency.

A Long Throw

A throw refers to the distance covered by an extended bolt on a lock. The longer the throw, the harder it is for an intruder to force the door open. Such a lock will resist most forced-entry attempts.

The aftermath of a burglary is a very emotional moment and it may be difficult for you to think clearly. However, it is very important that you outline the attributes above when you are specifying the kind of lock that your emergency locksmith should bring. Resist the urge to install an inferior lock because it will expose your family to break-ins.
