If you invest in a safe with a keypad, you will need to choose a code for your safe. Unfortunately, even if you bolt the safe down and buy the strongest safe imaginable, if you don't have a secure password, your safe can be compromised. Here are four tips to help you choose a safe code for your safe's keypad:

1. Do not use numbers that are easily linked with you.

When choosing a code for your safe's keypad, it makes sense to choose a number that's close to you. Your birthday, wedding anniversary or your child's birthday may fall into these categories. However, that information may be easy for a criminal to find.

For example, many people have their birthdays and anniversaries on their social media accounts. In addition, many people have their family members identified as family members on their social media profiles. This means if you have a public profile, a thief could easily look at your list of relatives, click on your kids' profiles, write down their birthdates and have that info ready to break into your safe.

Before choosing a safe passcode, look over your social media profile and do not use any numbers that are visible on your profile, including birthdays, anniversaries, or the last four digits of your phone number.

2. Do not use numbers located near your safe.

In addition to avoiding codes that are potentially displayed on your social media profiles, don't use numbers that are laying around your safe. For example, if your safe is in your office and you have a calendar full of birthdays hanging on your wall, a thief could easily try all the birthdays in your calendar as passcodes for your safe's keypad.

Similarly, don't make the mistake of taping a piece of paper with the safe's code to the top of the safe or under your desk.

3. Avoid obvious patterns.

In addition to trying birthdates and other similar types of numbers, thieves may try obvious patterns on the keypad. For that reason, don't choose a code that is straight down the keypad. For example, don't use the numbers 2, 5, 8 and 0 as they make a straight line down the keypad, and that makes them relatively easy to guess.

4. Consider using a word or acronym.

Instead of making your code with numbers, consider using a word or creating an acronym. Even if your keypad doesn't have letters printed on each key, you can still use this approach. Simply imagine the letters that appear on the keypad of an old flip phone. For example, A, B and C correspond with number 2, while D, E and F correspond with number 3. Then, think of a four-letter word or a four-word acronym you can remember.

For example, you could use the word "bear" as your code, and it corresponds to the numbers 2317. Alternatively, you could choose an easy-to-remember four word phrase such as "I love to fish". Then, you can create an acronym out of this sentence and find the numbers to match. In this case, the acronym is ILTF, and the corresponding numbers would be 4583.

If you have any other questions about home safes and how to effectively choose a keypad code, consider contacting a home safe supplier for more information.
