When you get locked out of your home or car, you know to call a locksmith to get you back in safely and quickly. However, lockouts are not the only type of service that is handled by a locksmith and you may not realize how many other tasks they can perform for you around your home or business. Note a few of those services here so you can know to call a locksmith before you shop or try to handle any of these tasks on your own. 

1. Surveying your premises

A locksmith is someone who is schooled in all sorts of locking devices, including locks on gates and fences, the locks you may have on your garage or other outbuildings, and locks on the doors of production facilities or warehouses. Because they know the types of locks and security devices that are on the market today, they can often survey your premises and note where locks need to be upgraded. If you have a locked gate or pool fence at your home or locks on gates at your commercial facility, you can often call a locksmith to survey your premises and check those locks for needed maintenance or upgrades to keep them secure.

2. Master keying

Master keying refers to setting locks to work with a particular master key. A master key system is often used in hotels and small apartment complexes, where maintenance or housekeeping personnel need to enter a variety of rooms. However, you might want to have your production facility master keyed so you don't need to carry a large key ring around with you, or have your home master keyed so that one key works on your front and back doors, garage door, and the like. A locksmith can master key or rekey your locks to work with a master key so you don't need to go out and buy a number of locks that all work with one key.

3. Safe installation

A safe is a locking device, so a locksmith will usually know how they work and the best type to buy for your property. They can often then install it for you and walk you through the steps of opening it and securing it. Rather than buying the first safe you see at a home improvement store or even an office supply store, you might discuss your options with a locksmith so you get personalized advice on the size, construction, and locking mechanism of a safe that will work best for you.    
