The primary door locks installed in your home will affect and determine the security of the premises. Therefore, you should ensure that your residence has good locking products that cannot be easily infiltrated by unauthorised persons. There are different ways in which you can upgrade the security provided by the entryway locks. One of the critical techniques is rekeying. Basically, this process involves reconfiguring the internal design of the lock so that a new key can be used to open it. Here is what you should know if you are considering using the rekeying process to improve home security.

When to Rekey

The choice to rekey the lock should be evaluated in relation to the current state of lock security and your objective. You should choose this method if you are concerned about the possibility of an old copy of your keys being in the wrong hands. For example, if you lost or misplaced your keys and cannot find them, you should rekey as a precaution. It is also advisable to reconfigure the lock if you gave a friend or relative your keys and had a falling out or if you have moved into a new home.

Rekeying does not always have to be aimed at resolving existing security issues. You can choose this method to improve convenience and avoid losing and misplacing your house keys. Basically, if your home has several entryways and internal locks, you can rekey the locks to use the same copy of keys. With a single key, you will able to keep track efficiently and avoid accidental misplacement.

Rekeyable Locks

When rekeying your locks, you can choose professional or DIY intervention. Generally, the residential locksmith is the most ideal choice because these experts are experienced and skilled, and they can reconfigure most types of high security locks. These can include high security cylinder blocks, the double deadbolt lock and cylinder locks.

On the other hand, some modern locks are designed for easy home reconfigurations. These types have a reset key or you can purchase a resetting kit from the manufacturer. Typically, you can perform this task if your lock has a wafer or tumbler design. This will involve neutralising the lock with the reset key and then inserting the new key from the manufacturer.

Lock Rekeying or Replacement

Rekeying is more advantageous over replacement because this process is cheaper. Moreover, the process requires minimal time to complete since there is no installation involved. On the other hand, replacement is the most secure choice for out-dated locking products and new premises.
